
Belchite enquanto falência da guerra como imagem literária, romântica..

11/18/13 at 2:41 AM

Sobre a ideia de guerra romântica (e fluxo geral em direcção a espanha) diz Christopher Hitchens:
"The suport of many european intelectuals and poets for the greek war of independence, the greek revolution against the Ottoman empire in the 1820´s, where the most famous figure is of course George Gordon, also known as Lord Byron, english poet who died for the freedom of Greece. That is what gives birth to the romantic movement witch is a big influence troughout the next century."
Diz também Hitchens sobre o golpe em espanha e a resposta do movimento operário internacional:
"In Spain it is true that a number of writers and intelectuals and poets were associated to the fight, but the ranks of the International Brigades were largely made of jewish workers from the Eastend in London, welsh and scotish coalminers, engeniers from the netherlands... And here´s what I think is the crutial thing: The german labour movement, the biggest and best organized labour movement in europe go hunder Hitler without a shot being fired. They´ve seen the same thing happening in Austria in 1934, seen the workers in the streets of Viena reduced to rumble by artillery with bear resistance. Seen one after the other, the great achievments of the european labour movement just fall to fascism and decided that not in Spain, in Spain we´re gonna draw the line. The working class is gonna fight back now. They shall not pass was the slogan."
Ainda os heróis românticos
e a Banda Desenhada:
(se por algum motivo estranho não conheceres o Corto, diz-me)
In July 1936 the Spanish civil war begins and it will last until May 1939. Corto joins the International Brigades fighting with John Cornford (son of the English poet Frances Cornford Croft, grandson of Darwin). Then we lose track of Corto. In January 1941, in the story “The Scorpions of the Desert” Cush, says, “It seems Corto Maltese disappeared during the Spanish Civil War.” We also learn that Corto sent a hawk, Al –Andaluz, to Cush from Spain.
Did he disappear in 1936 after the “last romantic adventure,” the Spanish Civil War? It could be, but apparently there is a letter written by Pandora in which she says that Corto and Tarao, now of a certain age, went to live with her and her children (who consider them as “uncles”).
Esta história é deliciosa, parágrafo na página da wikipédia sobre a Simone Weil: 
"Em julho de 1936, com a eclosão da Guerra Civil Espanhola, Simone juntou-se à causa republicana. Mesmo sendo míope e frágil, recebeu um rifle e foi incorporada a uma unidade de anarquistas. Sem nenhum preparo para a vida militar, ela quase que imediatamente enfiou o pé numa panela de óleo fervente e teve de ser resgatada por seus pais, que a mandaram para Assis, na Itália, para recuperar-se. Desanimada com as atrocidades que havia visto seu próprio lado cometer, Simone reafirmou seu pacifismo."

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