
o gosto recorrente de dançar com mortos


Tragic Week (end of July 1909)

The young barbarians (jóvenes bárbaros) who supported the Radical Party leader Alejandro Lerroux went wild and outhers followed, with church burning and forms of desecration such as the famous incident of a worker dancing with a desinterred nun. Such symbolic violence was the reaction of a people traumatized by intense superstition. much of the teaching of the Spanish Catholic Church sounded appropriate to the Dark Ages and this mental repression, together with the political role played by ecclesiastical authorities, made the Church rank with the civil guard as the first target of an uprising. Some half a dozen people were killed during this disturbance, but when the army arrived to restore order there was a massacre.


Toledo, 1936

Toledo, 1936

The Spanish war saw many terrible acts, but it was those of a religious significance that tended to prevail in people´s minds: "reds" killing priests and disinterring the mummies in convent vauls; it was even said that Dolores Ibárruri; La Pasionaria, had bitten the jugular of a priest; or Carlist requetés making a republican lie in the form of a cross before hacking off his limbs to the cry of "Viva Cristo Rey!!!".
  If people in other countries were reminded of the Thirty Years´War, or the religious persecutions of the Dark Ages, and shuddered at this "new barbarism", it was not surprising. The slaughter did not follow the same pattern on each side. In nationalist territory the relentless purging of "reds and atheists" was to continue for years, while in the republican territory the worst of the violence was mainly a sudden and quicky spent reaction of suppressed fear, exacerbated by desires of revenge for the past. 
  The attackson the clergy were bound to cause the greatest stir abroad, where there was little understanding of the Church´s powerfull political role. The Catholic Church was the bulwark of the country´s conservative forces, the foundation of what the right defined as Spanish civilization . Not surprisingly, the outside world had a fixed impression of Spain as a deeply religious country. The jest of the Basque philosopher Unamuno, that in Spain even atheists were Catholic, was taken seriously. Centuries of fanaticak superstition enforced by Inquisition had engraved this image on European minds. Even so it was surprising how few foreign newspapers made the connection between the religious repression dating back to the Middle Ages and the violent anti-clericalism that developed in the nineteenth century. The rage wich led to such excesses in some areas was fired by one great conviction: the promise of heaven for the meek was the age-old trick by the rich and powerful to make the poor accept their lot on earth. For the anarchists, at least, the Church represented nothing less than the psychological operations branch of the state. As such it was a target which ranked in importance with the Civil Guard. (...)
  The most sensational item of propaganda in the world press  involved the raping of nuns, yet the detailed nationalistic indictment of republican crimes published in 1946 offers no evidence for such incident, while hinting at only one. 
  There were certainly occasions when wanton cruelty was inflicted on priests bedore they died, particularly in Aragón, Catalonia and Valencia. Some were burned to death in their churches and there are reports of castration and disembowelment, and that some were buried alive after being made to dig their own graves. Many more churches were set alight and vandalized . Copes were used for mock bullfights in the street. A republican who dressed himself in the archbishop of Toledo´s ceremonial garnments as a joke was nearly shot by a drunken miliciano who mistook him for the primate. Communion wine was drunk out of chalices, stain-glass windows were broken and militiamen shaved in the fonts.  (...)
  The killing of the clergy was far from universal and with the exception of the Basque country, where the church was untouched, there was no marked regional pattern. In depressed areas the priests were often as poverty-stricken and ill-educated as their ill- parishioners. Those who had taken as much trouble over burying the poor as the rich were often spared. 



capitulo XI


Llego Sancho a su amo, marchito y desmayado; tanto, que no podia arrear a su jumento. Cuando asi lo vio Don quijote, le dijo:
- Ahora acabo de creer, Sancho Bueno, que aquel castillo o venta es encantado sin duda, porque aquellos que tan atrozmente tomaron pasatiempo contigo, ¿que podian ser sino fantasmas y gente del otro mundo? ; y confirmo esto por haber visto que cuando estaba por las bardas del corral mirando los actos de tu triste tragedia, no me fue posible subir por ellas, ni menos pude apearme de Rocinante, porque me debian ter encantado.
-Tengo para mi que aquellos que se holgaron conmigo no eran fantasmas ni hombres encantados como vuestra merced dice, sino hombres de carne y hueso como nosotros, y todos, segun los oi nombrar cuando me volteaban, tenian sus nombres; asi que, señor, el no poder saltar las bardas del corral ni apearse del caballo en ál estuvo que en encantamentos; y lo que yo saco en limpio de todo esto es que estas aventuras que andamos buscando al cabo nos han de traer a tantas desventuras, que no sepamos cuál es nuestro pie derecho; y lo que seria mejor y más acertado, según mi poco entendimiento, fuera el volver-nos a nuestro lugar ahora que es tiempo de la siega, y de entender en la hacienda, dejándonos de andar en ceca en meca y de zoca en colodra, como dicen.
 -¡Qué poco sabes, Sancho - respondió D. Quijote -, de achaque de cabballería! Calla y ten paciencia, que día vendrá donde veas por vista de ojos cuán honrosa cosa es andar en este ejercício.
 -Asi debe de  ser - respondió Sancho -, puesto que yo no lo sé; sólo sé que después que somos caballeros andantes, o vuestra merced lo es (que yo no hay para que me cuente en tan honroso número), jámas hemos vencido batalla alguna, si no fué la del vizcaíno, ya aún de aquella salió vuestra merced con media oreja y media celada menos; que después acá todo ha sido palos y más palos, puñadas ya más puñadas, llevando yo de ventaja el manteamiento.


Estudos Hegelianos #1

Houve aqui à anos um profundo e cavo filósofo de além-Reno, que escreveu uma obra sobre a marcha da civilização, do intelecto - o que diríamos, para nos entenderem todos melhor, o Progresso. Descobriu ele que há dois princípios no mundo: o espiritualismo, que marcha sem atender à parte material e terrena desta vida, com os olhos fitos em suas grandes e abstractas teorias, hirto, seco, duro, inflexível, e que pode bem personalizar-se, simbolizar-se pelo famoso mito do Cavaleiro da Mancha, D. Quixote; - o materialismo, que, sem fazer caso nem cabedal dessas teorias, em que não crê e cujas impossíveis aplicações declara todas utopias, pode bem representar-se pela rotunda e anafada presença do nosso amigo velho, Sancho Pança.
 Mas, como na história do malicioso Cervantes, estes dois princípios tão avessos, tão desencontrados, andam contudo juntos sempre, ora um mais atrás, ora outro mais adiante, empecendo-se muitas vezes, coadjuvando-se poucas, mas progredindo sempre.
 E aqui está o que é possível ao progresso humano.
 E eis aqui a crónica do passado, a história do presente, o programa do futuro.
 Hoje o mundo é uma vasta Barataria, em que domina el-rei Sancho.
 Depois há-de vir D.Quixote.
 O Senso comum virá para o milénio: reinado dos filhos de Deus! Está prometido nas divinas promessas.... como el-rei da Prússia prometeu uma constituição; e não faltou ainda, porque ... porque o contrato não tem dia; prometeu mas não disse para quando.
 Ora nesta minha viagem Tejo arriba está simbolizada a marcha do progresso social: espero que o leitor entendesse agora. Tomarei cuidado de lho relembrar de vez em quando, porque receio muito que se esqueça.

Almeida Garrett, Viagens na minha Terra (capítulo II)


Laibach :: Eurovision

There are crowds in the streets
They are crying to be heard
There are crowds in the streets
They are crying to be heard
I hear echoes of voices
I hear echoes of voices
They are trying so hard
But the ears are kept shut
Trying so hard
But the ears are kept shut
Trying so hard
But the ears are kept shut
I see millions of hands
They are raised to the sky
I see millions of hands
They are raised to the sky
I see visions of outrage
I see visions of outrage
They are trying so hard
But the eyes are kept shut
Trying so hard
But the eyes are kept shut
Trying so hard
But the eyes are kept shut
Europe is falling apart
Europe is falling apart
Europe is falling apart
Europe is falling apart
Europe is falling apart
In the absence of war
We are questioning peace
In the absence of god
We all pray to police
Oceans of people
Oceans of souls
Oceans of people
Oceans of souls
They are trying so hard
But the minds are kept shut
Trying so hard
But the minds are kept shut
Trying so hard
But the minds are kept shut
Europe is falling apart

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